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Monday, March 28, 2011

The Seven and a Half Pound Change

It never fails to put a smile on my face when I hear a pregnant couple say,"Oh, this baby is not going to change our lives.  We are planning to just carry on as we always have."


This "bundle of joy",little dimpled package from the stork, tiny blemish-free, little babe, so sweet, so innocent, is so ALL CONSUMING!.
  Have you ever seen so much STUFF needed to take care of and entertain the smallest of people?  The designer clothes, the best furniture, the most elaborate toys all needed to "survive".

I watched the documentary/movie called "Babies" a few weeks back.  It was quite entertaining and actually had the ability to bring one back to reality when it comes to child-rearing.

Dads, Moms, you don't need all the stuff.  There is truly NO NEED to go into debt because a baby is coming on the scene.   We all know that second-hand baby items are EVERYWHERE!  

WHAT you say???? Let some USED clothing touch my NEW baby? 
Have you ever heard of a washing machine?

Now,I really don't want to start a brawl here but I would like to just take a little pressure off the new family.  My first baby slept in a bureau draw when I went to visit my mom and dad.  We also used a wicker basket.  I have to admit I loved the swing, playpen,umbrella stroller and the jolly jumper but the kitchen sink seemed to do just fine for giving those first baths.

One thing that we know for sure is the baby will never remember.   I will heartily agree that some new things are wonderful (especially for the first one) but honestly when I see the  hand-me-downs that my daughters have acquired from friends and family (and yard sales), I can only praise God for the wonderful AND like-new provision!

Think ahead...believe me there will be plenty of opportunities to spend as that little one begins to being one....

I just pray that when the "shock" wears off of how much that little bundle has changed your life that you will not also find yourselves to be thousands of dollars in debt in the process. 

Act wisely young parents.  Don't be pressured into  buying things that you don't need.  Ask different families, your parents or peers and find out what they thought were the most needed items and then wait  to see if you can make do even without some of those.

I wonder what your grandmother would say?


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