I hung around for awhile this afternoon with my little 3 year old grandson. He had just come from the store with his new two-wheeler (with training wheels) He was so proud. I watched him start out a tad apprehensive and in a very short time he was doing sharp corners, going through narrow spaces and all in all being purely boy!
There were a few topples in the process where mom and/or dad would run to the rescue with a quick hug, words of assurance and a wipe of the tears. Immediately he would be off again, proudly bearing a new "booboo" to signify his accomplishment.
As they were getting ready to leave, crying was heard coming from the back seat. It was impossible to see through the shaded car window and the whole ordeal was just thought of as "tiredness"
Then his mom said "Grandbabe, he is upset because he was not able to say good by to his "friends"". Us!
As soon as the door slipped open his crying stopped as he shared his hugs and kisses with those he was leaving behind. With promises of seeing each other soon, hopes of a picnic with ice cream cones in the near future, the tears dried in faint streaks and the yawning smile settled on his face for the ride home.
How precious.
I'm sure I have seen "that face" hundreds of times ~ but today I saw it a little clearer. I was not going to be giving the bath, making the hasty meal and tucking him in bed. My time was done for the day. I had been a grandparent for a couple of hours... What a privilege.
A couple of things: These little ones have real feelings because they are REAL people! Be aware, watch and listen. Those ooohs and ahhhhhs make a difference, those hugs and kisses are part of the foundation that the rest of his life will build upon. YOU are important! You fill a vital role. To re coin a phrase "You are part of the fabric of his life"
Ponder this today and see what you might do that could make a difference. Perhaps it could be an unexpected phone call to read a story before nap, a lollipop in the mail or a time out of a visit to just sneak a way for a few minutes of one on one. Try it! You'll like it!
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