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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

What's Your Style?

To scream or not to scream...that is the question.

Do you glare? Are you a slapper? Do you smolder for a while and then erupt, or are you just a screamer? Truthfully none of these verbs are really effective, but today let's talk about screaming.

You hear them at Walmart, aisles away....over the din of the shoppers. They tend to make passerbys stare or look down uncomfortably. They seem oblivious to the public. So are you one of "those"?

I wonder if screamers know that they scream? Does this technique really settle the kids down, promote good behavior or calm the storm? I don't think so.

There was a time during my growing up years that we lived next to a screamer. I find it interesting that while it tended to make us (the kids next door) stop in our tracks, it did NOTHING to cause the children being yelled at to even raise an eyebrow. Interesting huh?

Take a couple of days,especially during this school vacation, and "listen" to yourself. Dare to listen. Dare to think about your approach. You CAN STOP screaming and be much more affective in your discipline using a calm steady voice.

I think screamers may beget screamers.

If you would like to talk more about this feel free to email me at I can help you with this habit and you CAN change your style to the benefit of everyone in your circle.

Get your childs attention.... quietly.

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