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Sunday, March 27, 2011

Help Wanted!

I remember so well sitting around that BIG dining room table, homeschooling 7 children with 5 more around my feet.   Whoa!!  Those were the days !

I had a brainstorm one day and while out doing errands I decided to stop at the hardware store and pick up a couple of signs.   You know those plastic ones ..... Anyway.  I bought one that had one BIG word on it

I decided that it was only fair to warn my family when I was having a particularly hard,emotional, or stressed out day.   I explained to them, as I clipped  it on the fridge,  that when they would see that sign  that it was best to just give me some S P A C E!.  Fair warning.

Sometimes we just think people should know.....Well they don't    I don't know any mind-readers personally.
So take this as just a little heads up suggesting that you be sure to communicate with your children and husband etc. when you are needing a little extra "something".

PS  I also got a sign that said "HELP WANTED" to stick in the window when my husband was on his way home.....I'm not sure if he thought that was a good idea or not :)

1 comment:

nferrin said...

great ideas!! love your blogs, Marnie... so thankful for YOU!!