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Monday, April 4, 2011

I just don’t have a minute!

In America this is a very common saying. We are ruled by the clock and because of that, and our poor planning, our family, and little ones in particular, often pay the price.

A suggestion for the day;
When the children wake in the morning gather them all for just a moment on the couch…before diaper changes, breakfast, TV etc. Just gather….. huddle as best as you can and say a prayer. Ask for the Lord’s guidance for the day ~ His help ~ His counsel. Invite Him into the beginning of the day. This needs to just be a point of contact, a moment of recognition, a starting point, literally a couple of minutes.

”Father, thank you for this day. I pray Lord that you will be with us today as we go about our many things. Please heal Johnny’s runny noise and help us when we go to the grocery store. Oh yes and as Judy just said heal Teddy-bear’s broken leg. Father we depend on You. We need You. Thank you in advance! We choose to serve you this day.
In Jesus name amen”

You have now set a stake in place. You have dedicated your time and family once again to His sovereign plan. The children have seen and heard and will memorize, after time, a very valuable lesson.

Go on with your day and if you need to gather the chicks because the ship seems to have “run amuck” Do so.
The best spent 3 minutes of your day! Minutes that have the power to set the attitudes and atmosphere of the days aright

Well done parents!

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