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Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Morning Habits

Even today I am prone to the same daily habits that I have had for years.   I know as a busy woman there is a good chance that once I leave my bathroom I will potentially not return for the rest of the day. 

It is best when these "habits" are taught early and consistently.
In our home I would wake the kids  up and get them eating breakfast.  We would then go and get dressed and they would meet me in their bathroom (when they were young) where I would assist them with combing and  fixing hair (braiding, ponytails etc), washing faces and brushing teeth.  
I always liked to see my children's faces.  Thus their hair was short enough so that I could see their eyes and I would take the time to make them "presentable". I tried to have haircuts that were easily manageable. 

I don't believe that these habits tend to come naturally.  Today when you often see grown women in their pj pants in Walmart, looking like they just got out of bed I think that it is time to address once again the topic of being "presentable".

As the child grows a chart comes in handy as a reminder as to what needs to be done.  Isn't it amazing that a child will wet his toothbrush and not bother to brush his teeth!  (this will be handled in another blog :))  Teach them to make their beds early.  A small child can pull a blanket up.  It's all a part of learning.  Picking up the dirty clothes and putting the shoes away are all habits.
An important habit for me is having my children leave a room as they found it.  I ask that they do not leave dishes, guitars, food etc behind. 
We all know the saying  "Many hands make light work"  Well it's true.  Husbands and wives should work together on this. 
So whether you are just starting out or things have gotten out of control and there needs to be a family meeting....I suggest beginning the day with your daily habits that will (in my opinion) make the day go smoother .

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