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Thursday, April 24, 2008



I wonder when you read that word what comes to your mind,

Are we allowed to have it anymore? Are we allowed to sit down without the outside noise of children, television, phone, radio, computer screen?
Is there any such thing as a "simple, quiet life"?

Is it mandatory to belong to the gym, women's group, PTA, church committee or nite class? Will it make us any less of a person....or for that matter any more of a person?

Can we be allowed to take care of our family without all the outside stresses and cares of the world?

I am not saying that we HAVE to but I AM SAYING that we don't need to feel inadequate or subhuman to simply "take care of our families."

There is a verse in the scripture that says that we should live a simple quite life ...taking care of our husband and children.

Aspire to live quietly, to mind your own affairs, and to work with your own hands” (I Thessalonians 4:11).

Maybe this is a good time to reevaluate your life....your days and see what is filling them up. Is there any "quiet" built in there? Is there there peace and satisfaction? Or are the days melding into one another as you scurry from one appointment,obligation,meeting,class etc to another trying to fit it all in and STILL feel like you have been a good wife and mother.

There used to be a saying "the lazy days of summer...."
HA you say that was not meant for mothers!....Maybe not BUT I encourage you to intentionally take some quite times...just sit and be still shhhhhhh it will be good for you AND everyone else!


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