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Sunday, November 30, 2008

Christmas so much hubbub!!

Christmas so much HUB BUB

Why??? What causes us to rush around spending money that we don't have.???...writing lists and Christmas cards into the wee hours of the morning.??? foods that we shouldn't eat? Spending hours decorating our homes???

Why it's Christmas of course!!!

The Savior's Big Birthday Party!

I'm sure that the Lord does not expect all this fanfare that we put into this holiday that had such humble beginnings. But all the same be sure to take some moments to reflect on the true meaning of Christmas; when God saw that we needed help and sent His Son to become like us. To ultimately be lead to the cross, so that we can walk in the freedom won for us all that day that we now call Easter.

Save a few dollars and jot some notes this Christmas. Tell your husband what he really means to you, how you appreciate his support and allegiance to the family. Take time to appreciate each of your children with a note and remember your relatives as well.

These notes are priceless! They far outlast the Twister game and the ipod. Yellowed and permanently creased, we will read and reread anything that was and is written out of love for us. It does not have to be long just heartfelt.

So this mad, crazy, hubbub time of year....carve out some REAL time and do what will mean the most Tell someone that you love them!!!

Blessings to you all.

Thanks for having me visit and speak,

And be sure to drop me a note after all has died down...



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