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Saturday, February 16, 2008

#31 Television and the Movies

Do you oversee what your children watch on television or at the movies?
Do you expect them to make good choices on their own if they have never been trained?
Do you care?
It is a well known fact that the television is used as a babysitter in many instances. We have all used it at one time or another.
In many homes the television is just on for noise …. But do you realize that that noise is feeding into a mind and forming opinions and foundations for life? I personally don’t even think that you should fall asleep to the tv!
Children are going to the movies at very young ages. What used to be a treat is now the norm. You can go into the theater to watch an "adult" picture ( and I don’t mean XXX) and see parents walking in with toddlers in tow. I went to see "When a Stranger Calls" ( a very suspenseful movie) and was shocked to see so many little children in the seats!
Parents…’s our responsibility. We should be the ones to turn the TV on and to turn it off. We should be aware of how much and what our children are watching. If you’re not sure if it’s good programming, ask some questions or watch the program with your childf. There are also sites that you can go to that spell the movie out before you let your child go.
You know what? EVERYBODY is NOT going.
Please care. Guard and guide your kids . You’ll be glad that you did!
The Bible has a verse that I think is appropriate here: "Whatsoever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable- if anything is excellent or praiseworthy- think about such things" Philippians 4:9
Stay tune for part 2 should television be a part of your child’s bedroom furniture.

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