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Tuesday, February 19, 2008

#34 Round 3, and the Winner is...

When our children fight with each other we must not enter the fray! We are the referee not one of the fighters.
There is no need to enter the fight. Keep your cool. Stay calm. Don’t scream.
Just deal. As an adult assess the situation and decide what needs to be done.
Sometimes little ones will just fight because. People say Boys will be boys… Yes but NO. It is not acceptable.

Separate the kids first. Take them into different parts of the house.
Let it be made known that fighting will not be tolerated. Get to the bottom of the issue and settle it.
One of my weird sayings was “ You will not be allowed to get along with anyone OUTSIDE of the house until you can get along with everyone INSIDE the house” In other words don’t expect to do anything fun until you can get along with your siblings.

Parenting is a lot of work…But it just comes with the territory! Use the years wisely as there will come a day that it will be all over and your sphere of influence will be much smaller if not non existent.

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