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Thursday, April 21, 2011

De-feathering the Nest

The male and female eagle work to get the nest ready for their coming "egg-hatching",  just like a couple prepare  the nursery.
It is said that at the end of the rearing of this bird the "parents" begin to "de-feather" the nest.  They replace those downy feathers and grass with bones, pieces of glass and small rocks.
God did not intend for these grown up "babies" to stay in the nest.  It is natural for them to fly and they may put it off  if it's too comfortable.

Do you have older children living at home..... Do you have a written agreement?  Are they responsible to help with the bills, food etc?  Do they help with chores etc?  Do they treat you with RESPECT?
I understand totally that it is a tough time "out-there"  Times are lean and scary.  But that is no excuse for your  older child to not be a contributor to the household .  It is part of the child-rearing process.

Perhaps it's gotten "out of control"  Perhaps you feel like you are walking on egg-shells in your own home.  If so it is time to think it through  ( don't act too swiftly, you want to have thought out all your details) and  call a family meeting.   It may not be a comfortable thing to do but it NEEDS to be done. The parents must be a united front and if you are single it may be wise to have a family friend sit in on the meeting.   Write down your thoughts and wishes.  Make yourself absolutely clear.  Draw up an agreement that can be signed by the 2-3 of you.  

Just like it is not fun to potty train your child this process also is not always pleasant.  If you find yourself in this place, get some counsel and take back your space.  It's your turn!


By the way...  Are you HUGGING?  

On Marriage:
This was aired on Focus on the Family April 20.  Excellent.  Settle down with your honey and listen to this!{B94309F1-0C75-4753-AC6D-E176FB9E8497}

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