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Saturday, March 5, 2011


When was the last time you "entertained"?

I can imagine that some have just started to turn off the computer.

Entertained???? Are you crazy???? Do you have any idea what my house looks like? How busy I am? What my life is like??!!

Take a deep breath....

How about a cup of tea with a good friend? I know (for a fact) that someone's cluttery house does not bother me at all . Why?...Because it's not mine!

In this ultra busy time of the 21st century we have lost touch with our neighbor. We actually may not even know our neighbor! Even family visits are far and few between. We have lost touch. Busyness has taken over.

The computer's email, twitter and facebook and your cell phone have all aided in this dearth of physical, personal contact.

Isn't it interesting that people add porches, scattered with rockers, to their homes and they're not for use but curb appeal! Crazy.

Take some time back...Be intentional. Make a plan and a date. It can be tea at the kitchen counter, lunch on paper plates or an easy dinner of delivered pizza. Don't make it too difficult or complicated.
It's important. Our children need to know that people are important, that these times can be fun. Get the whole family involved! Turn off the TV .... the show is not that important!

Paper plates and peanut butter sandwiches would be such a treat to many young families.You could even invite them to the indoor picnic that I wrote about a couple of days ago. Let your company bring part of the meal. Be creative....have fun!

This is also a good time to see how your children are doing with other children and adults. This can be fodder for many teachings in the days to come

If you are enjoying these parenting tips I would ask that you forward them to friends. They in turn can email me at and I will put them on my mailing list. They can also be found on my facebook page by friending me and lastly by going to where you will see the compliation of all that has been written.

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