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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Now is the hour!

I remember the day that my son was leaving for his first apartment with friends.  Bags packed and hugging at the door, I felt this overwhelming urge to grab him and say "But I'm not done yet!"

While it's true that you are your children's parent for life, once they have moved out the roll takes on a totally different look. 
So now is the time. 

Train them.  Teach them.  Use daily situations  as lessons.  Car rides and  walks in Walmart can be educational as you study other people and their "ways".  Talk about stealing and respect and kindness, gratitude, the older generation and babies. 

Be intentional.  Get good books to read and reread to your children.  Think about a topic to bring up at the supper table. Let the children come up with a topic to talk about. With practice it will become more natural. 

This is the time to teach skills as well.  Sorting clothes for the washing machine, taking out the trash and cleaning up after the pet are all things that the young child can do.  Start early with picking up the blocks etc.  teaching them to pick up before taking anymore toys out. 
I know that it is hard to believe BUT the time actually DOES come and you will not have another chance to fill in the blanks.


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