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Monday, March 14, 2011

Parents be aware

In Sunday School we used to sing a little song:
"Oh be careful little ears what you hear"

Our little ones are born with a clean slate and as parents we should be very aware as to what gets "written" on those innocent minds and hearts. It is important to check our selfishness at the door and consider the children that have been given to us to raise.

Things to be aware of:

1...You and "whoever" should NEVER argue in front of your children. Control your anger and WAIT until you can be secluded to talk it out. (it's called self-control)

2. Be aware of the company you keep. Remember children seem to hear everything ! Your friends, their play/school mates and public in general should be entered into with discretion.

3. Music. As parents many times we are not listening to the words of the tunes that may be innocently playing on the car radio, in the kids rooms or with their peers. Be attentive to this and check out the lyrics once in a while to keep on top of things.

4. Television. Be aware of what is playing on the tube. Many people are in the habit of just turning the tv on for sound when they are in the house. There are ALOT of inappropriate things, including advertisement, that our children do not need to hear

5. Our own mouths. Nagging, gossip, swearing, complaining, whining etc etc. The apple will not fall far from the tree.

We cannot live in a bubble but if you commit to being aware .. you will have a head start.

If you argue in front of the children...Apologize.
If your friends or their friends use inappropriate language, correct it.
If music is offensive simply turn it off. Take a stand
Turn the television off. Quiet is not that bad and is a lost "atmosphere". Choose appropriate shows in advance and keep a tight reign on the tube.
Clean up your own mouth/attitude. You can do it and it is important! Rear your children to be better than yourself. Find help if you need to.

Each and every offense can be used as a teaching point. Use it.
Be honest, forthright, practice what you preach and determine to parent well. You only get one chance. This clean slate does not come with an eraser.


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