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Thursday, March 24, 2011

Start Your Day the Night Before....

It's a busy day.  There's a doctor's appointment at 9, then a trip  to the grocery store.  After that, it is home to put away  the groceries , lunch with the kids and then naps. 
On the busiest of days do you ever notice that things just go haywire.  When you can least afford it the car keys are missing, the babies shoes are nowhere to be found and you have misplaced the prescription.   Ugh!

Before you  go  to bed at night do an overview of the coming day (in your head or on paper).  Map it out, make your lists, put the library books on the table along with the grocery list, dry cleaning and car keys.   Have the children's clothes picked out with shoes and socks present.   Speak to your husband to see if he needs you to do anything for him.

Your morning/day will go so much better!/  The kids will notice the lack of stress and your assurance will follow you  throughout the day.  Take charge...don't be caught unprepared.  Your time is much too precious to waste!


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