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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Home: A magic place?

I listened recently as someone spoke of his home as a "magic place". It would seen that our memories get either better or worse as we grow older, depending on our perspective.

How do you want your home to be remembered?

....The yard where everyone wanted to play?

....The safe place? ....The house with the overflowing cookie jar, the hugging mom or the playing dad?

Decide today.
Start to bring your dream about.
Make the cookies. Hug the kids, have the friends over and Dad play ball!
It starts with one thing at a time. A promise made to yourself.

"I am going to make (1)eye contact with each child that comes into my presence. I will (2)touch them and say a (3)good thing about them"

"I am going to give each one of my children a minute long hug each and every day"

Make your home a magic place. It's not that hard anymore in this uncertain world.

How do you want your home remembered and what can you do to set it apart?

A poem by a mom taken from a book by William Barkley in a "Commentary on Luke"

"Lord of all pots and pans and things,
Since I have no time to b
a saint by doing lovely things ~
or watching late with thee,
or dreaming in the dawn light~
or storming heavens gates.
Make me a saint by getting meals and
washing up the plates."


1 comment:

Mark C said...

I remember at the home on the Mills Road, my parents coming home to a yard full of kids playing badminton, tossing a ball, playing jarts or across the street at Franklin playing kickball