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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Unpack Your Bags!

Years ago I had a nightmare.  I woke up 3-4 times in one night crying and very upset.  My husband woke and talked with me and prayed with me but everytime I would close my eyes again~I was right back in the "scene"

The dream:

I was inside the house with a bunch of little children around me.  My husband was out in the driveway standing by a car, talking and laughing with a bunch of buddies.  I went to the window and asked if he would please come in and help me.  He looked over at me and said,  "Yah, I'll be in in a while"

I was furious.  I felt he did not understand my feelings and did not care about all I had to do.  I reached down under my bed and pulled out my suitcase, threw it on the bed and started to put my clothes in it.
I remember my children all around me saying, "Mommy, where are we going?"  I knew in my heart WE were not going anywhere and as I saw their little faces, their questioning eyes and innocent query it would bring me to tears (as I knew I was just planning to run away) 

 This is when I would wake up.
After 3-4 times of waking up crying and then falling back asleep only to go back to those "faces", I sat up in bed and said "Lord!  I have GOT to get some sleep!!  Please help me get rid of this dream and doze off"

I quietly heard Him say to me.."Unpack your bags"

So interesting.  Even in a dream the Lord was teaching me that there is a better way to do things, to respond, to care for my family. 

I fell back asleep, found myself surrounded by questioning children, and unpacked my bag.  I put the clothes away, put the case back under my bed and that was the end of the whole thing.

Isn't that interesting?!

I wonder~ Is the Lord trying to tell you something today?  Is your situation stagnant because you are not choosing His ways?  Why don't you just "unpack your bags" and see how things might change!


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